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Celebrate Earth Day by Joining the Water Conservation Movement

Posted : April 22,2016

Today is Earth Day and more than any other day, we reflect upon what we are doing for the environment and remind ourselves how important it is to preserve the planet’s most precious resource – WATER.  We’d like to discuss the importance of water conservation, share some encouraging stories about water reuse, and identify how you can take part in reducing water waste and protecting the planet.


Water scarcity and drought continue to impact the United States, but support for water conservation and water reuse are taking the country by storm. The U.S. Senate is currently debating a bill that would “produce upwards of 1.1 million acre feet in ‘new’ water” through recycling and desalination projects—including a $250 million increase in funding for the WaterSMART (Sustain and Manage America’s Resources for Tomorrow) program and $200 million for other water recycling initiatives. Many states have also sponsored studies on water reclamation in recent years.


Nowhere has the commitment to water reuse been greater than in Florida, Colorado, Texas, and California—states that currently have 480 combined wastewater reuse projects in the pipeline. According to a report by Bluefield Research, 400 of these projects are slated for completion by 2030 and will provide a total of 6.7 million cubic meters per day of reuse capacity.


NO matter which industry you are in, if you use water and are  looking for a substantial way to preserve Earth’s most precious resource, look no further than AWWT. We can help you identify a green-friendly, cost-effective wastewater treatment solution to fit your exact needs.  Our closed loop systems allow water to be recycled back into operations multiple times, reducing water usage and meeting the cost and compliance-related demands of this day and age.


Our expertise includes process engineering, design, quality control, upgrades and more. To discover the best treatment option for your needs, contact AWWT for a thorough due diligence assessment.


Although Earth Day is only celebrated once a year, it is important to remember that we all can do our part each and every day!

The Clear H2O Method

  • Assess

    AWWT conducts preliminary assessments of your systems, facility, and processes to determine productive methods for wastewater removal, management, and treatment.

  • Control

    Through a patented technology, AWWT will implement the most effective treatments based on our investigatory findings and your wastewater management needs.

  • Safeguard

    Collectively we will achieve and maintain “green and clean” solutions through protection and management planning of your future wastewater treatment methods.

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